Deferment and Forbearance Options

View the potential deferment and/or forbearance options for which your loan may qualify. If you’d like to explore your options, contact our office and one of our experienced loan counselors can discuss your eligibility and explain how to apply.

Important Things to Remember:

  • Your eligibility for the above deferment and/or forbearance options depends on other eligibility factors such as previous usage, financial circumstances, school enrollment status, and delinquency.
  • A deferment or forbearance is a temporary suspension of repayment, granted under certain circumstances.
  • Even if a deferment or forbearance suspends your monthly payments, you are responsible for repaying the accrued interest on your private loans.
  • If you use a deferment or forbearance, your eligibility may be delayed for, or you may be disqualified for any incentive programs your lenders may offer, such as, co-signer release, interest rate reductions, and rebates.